Sheriff's Office
The Clearwater County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to the principles of protection and service. We work in partnership with the community by offering professional administration and enforcement of all federal, state, and local laws. We are responsible for the provision of other services to the public. And to provide professional service through field patrol deputies, criminal investigators, civil process, 911 communications officers, bailiffs, corrections officers, records technicians, sentence to serve, administrative staff, snowmobile, ohv, boat and water officers, and emergency management.
Public Fingerprinting
Must call in advance to schedule an appointment to be finger printed.
(218) 694.6226
Purchase/Transfer/Carry a Handgun
Requirements for Handgun Purchases or Transfers
Permit to Purchase/Transfer a Handgun
Permit to Carry a Handgun FAQs
Permit Application to Carry a Pistol
Internet Crime/Fraud
Q. Do you have a definition of Internet crime that I can refer to?
Internet crime is defined as any illegal activity involving one or more components of the Internet, such as websites, chat rooms, and/or email. Internet crime involves the use of the Internet to communicate false or fraudulent representations to consumers. These crimes may include, but are not limited to, advance-fee schemes, non-delivery of goods or services, computer hacking, or employment/business opportunity schemes
Have you been defrauded of money over the Internet? File a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) FBI - NW3C Partnership.
File a complaint
To report fraud or more information on Canadian Fraud contact The Canadian Anti- Fraud Centre:
Toll Free: 1-888-495-8501
Toll Free Fax: 1-888-654-9426
To report economic crime on-line please click here