GIS Mapping/E911

The Management Information Systems Department (MIS) is responsible for the Geographic Information System (GIS) and the administration of the E-911 Rural Addressing system.

Clearwater County is providing GIS data available for download.  The following ESRI shapefiles are currently available at this time and are zipped for easy download. Road Centerline, County Parcel and Address Point Shapefiles.

DISCLAIMER: THE DATA BELOW IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO GUARANTEE OR REPRESENTATION ABOUT THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, SUITABILITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, RELIABILITY, OR FITNESS OF THE DATA FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Clearwater Co., MN, shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, compensatory or consequential damages or third party claims resulting from the use of this data, even if Clearwater Co., MN, has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage. This data may not be used in states that do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages.


 Addressing Information

An E911 address is needed for all habitable structures in Clearwater County, the E911 address will allow emergency service providers to locate you more quickly in case of an emergency. The United States Post Office has adopted our addressing system to replace the rural route addresses previously used for mail delivery. If you are in the process of the construction of a structure (or moving a structure on to property) that will be used for part-time or full-time use, you will need an address.

 Requesting an Address

To be assigned an address, please use the online request form or download an application and mail it to us.  It is helpful if you know your tax parcel number (11-digit number on your tax statement) when you fill out the form. You must have the driveway installed to facilitate the global positioning system to be used to determine the approach location. The time needed to process this information and assign an address is usually between 1 to 2 weeks, so please plan ahead.

Note:  Addresses are only assigned to STRUCTURES, not to bare parcels of land.  If the structure has not yet been built, the driveway and slab or footings must be installed.  Bare land will not be addressed!